Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mubarak to Speak, Future Uncertain for Egypt-U.S. Ties

Anti-government protesters break paving stones for the defense of Tahrir Square in front of a shop spray painted with the word Facebook on Feb. 4, 2011 in Cairo.

Perhaps the final straw for Hosni Mubarak came today when hundreds of business, medical and law professionals joined the youthful, anti-government dissenters in Tahrir Square and called for the ouster of the Egyptian president.

In any case, we're learning now that Mubarak will address his people within moments and lay out his still-uncertain plans.

Reports from Egypt have been sketchy -- some say the president will be transferring power to his hand-picked vice president, Omar Suleiman, other reports have Mubarak transferring power to the Egyptian Military, and still other reports have Mubarak remaining in power, but heading to Germany to receive treatment for "health problems" (one of which might be his ability to remain alive in Egypt if he remains in power). If Mubarak stays in power - or even if he transfers power to Suleiman -- those on the ground in the Arab Republic say the unrest will continue.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, left, stands with the late President Anwar El-Sadat before his assassination in 1981.

Despite the nature of his 30-year, self-imposed rule, the U.S. has openly viewed Mubarak as not only an ally, but a stabilizing force for the entire Middle East. Mubarak has kept a long-standing treaty with Israel and has consequently received more than a billion dollars in aid each year from the U.S. As a result of the extensive U.S. aid the country has received, the Egyptian armed forces are on par with Israel's military, which is unequivocally the strongest in the region. Should the new Egyptian leader -- whomever he may be -- reject the treaties with the U.S. and Israel, the political face of the Middle East could change for the worse and efforts for peace could be set back decades.

One of the more dangerous organizations waiting to take advantage of the situation is the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist organization and the oldest Islamic political group in the world. Since the protests in Egypt began three weeks ago, the Muslim Brotherhood has taken great pains to reform its image and present itself as a group that is pro-democracy and anti-violence. At least one U.S. official has bought the line from the Brotherhood -- National Intelligence Director James Clapper, who earlier today told a House Select Intelligence Committee that the Muslim Brotherhood "eschews violence" and "decries al-Queda as a perversion of Islam." Other intelligence sources disagree with Clapper, noting that the organization has a long history of violent rhetoric and that Osama bin Laden himself has repeatedly quoted from the writings of Muslim Brotherhood leaders in his frequent condemnations of the West.

Whatever happens in Egypt tonight, one thing's for sure: history will be made. All the U.S. can do is wait ... and hope.

Mubarak addressed his people just before 10 p.m. Egypt-time and told his people he would not step down. He has vowed he will stay in office until a peaceful transition of power can take place in September.

It remains unclear where the Egyptian military falls in all this. Military leaders have indicated a desire to quell the protests in an effort to get the nation's economy back on track (the country has been paralyzed by the protests for three straight weeks).

Mubarak may very well have made the right decision, considering the protesters appeared to have escalated the demands as the president's decision drew closer. Many demonstrators indicated they would be unwilling to disperse if Suleiman took power, and then when the conversation turned to military rule, some demonstrators indicated they wouldn't leave under those circumstances, either. Mubarak's decision to remain in power until September may very well have been influenced by these increasingly erratic demands.

So far, the protesters have not made clear exactly who they want to run their government. They've made the argument for democracy, elections and peace, but these things don't happen overnight. Candidates for election must emerge, campaigns must be run and debates must take place before the populace can make an informed decision about the country's future leadership. All of these things are necessary, or there will be a power vacuum that could be more dangerous than Mubarak's continued rule.

In the wake of Mubarak's decision, all eyes now turn to the Egyptian armed forces. What they will do if the crowd filling Tahrir square refuses to disperse and how they'll handle Mubarak's decision will be major factors in Egypt's future.

For the United States, the waiting game isn't over.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Commits to Dramatic Role in Return to Big Screen

Now that Arnold is free of his duties to the state of California and the GOP, he is re-focusing on the movie career that he put on hold to become the Governator. In a somewhat surprising twist, Schwarzenegger's first role in his return to the big screen will be a dramatic one. This is an obvious departure from most of Arnold's most notable work to date. He's primarily been cast as an action hero, with some comedic roles and elements sprinkled among them.

Cry Macho is a film about a horse trainer whose wife and child have died and who is generally down on his luck. He is offered $400,000 to go to Mexico and kidnap the son of his boss from his ex-wife, but once he arrives in Mexico he realizes that the son is unloved and not wanted by the mother. During the return trip to the U.S., while being pursued by Mexican authorities, the two form a father-son bond.

The story and the concept for the film come from a 1975 novel by N. Richard Nash, writer of the Rainmaker. Nash also wrote the screenplay for Cry Macho, which has been controlled by Oscar-winning producer Al Ruddy for several years. Ruddy is best known for his
Oscar-winning work on The Godfather and Million Dollar Baby.

"I guarantee that you'll get another look at Arnold Schwarzenegger in this movie," Ruddy said. "Arnold always plays these big muscular guys, but there's a sweetness to Arnold in real life, and we want to bring that sweetness to the screen. Now that Brad's (Lincoln Lawyer director Brad Furman) met with Arnold, he's convinced there's an accessibility and vulnerability there that he wants to bring out."
By Buzzle Staff and Agencies

Republicans Admit that Medicare Vouchers Unlikely to Work

A proposed Republican plan to introduce vouchers for Medicare services is likely to be shelved according to party leaders speaking yesterday. It is just one of many items that will be thrust to the background as Republicans and Democrats compromise on a plan that will both allow more government borrowing and create large cuts in government spending. Both sides of the aisle have noted that there is likely to be an agreement soon, and even Vice President Biden noted that there had been progress.

According to Biden, spending cuts, in tandem with the ability to borrow more money are "practically and politically connected." As part of the compromise that is likely coming, House Republicans noted that they are open to alternative ideas with regard to the Medicare voucher plan. Also contributing to that move by the GOP is the fact that older voters seem to be pretty in love with their expensive health insurance. Michigan Representative Dave Camp, chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, noting that he supported the voucher program, but wasn’t willing to fight for something that has little chance to pass.

Noted Camp, "I’m not interested in laying down more markers. I’m interested in solutions. Let’s figure out where there is common ground and let’s get there as soon as we can." House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, noted of the forthcoming compromise between the parties, "Let me make this clear. When it comes to increasing the debt limit and the need to have reductions in spending, nothing is off the table except raising taxes." If that’s not a prelude to an agreement, then pretty much nothing is.
By Buzzle Staff and Agencies

Bin Laden's Wife Tells Pakistani Intelligence of Living in Compound

Amal Ahmed Abdullfattah is a Yemeni-born wife of slain al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Abdullfattah is now in the custody of Pakistani intelligence officials and they are questioning her about her time at the compound. Thus far, the only information that has been released reveals that she lived there for six years and that she was confined to the upper floors of the residence during that time period. It is unclear if she was being held against her will or if she was complicit in her stay.

Two other wives of Bin Laden, who were also apprehended during the raid, have been speaking with Pakistani officials about their time in the compound as well. In addition to the three wives, there were also 8 or 9 children who were taken out of the residence. It's unclear at this time if all of the children are Bin Laden's.

Information gathered from the wives and from documents found at the residence indicate that al Qaeda had recently split into two distinct factions. One was being controlled by Bin Laden, while the other, larger group is now under the control of Ayman al-Zawahri, formerly the number 2 man under Bin Laden. Information recovered by members of the American assault team also pointed to a planned attack on U.S. railways by members of al Qaeda. The attack was being planned to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Pakistani officials believe that Bin Laden was struggling financially at the time of his killing and that his much of his power within the organization had dwindled as a result of his hiding in plain sight.
By Buzzle Staff an
Publish Post
d Agencies

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

U.S. May Cut Aid to Pakistan for Hiding Osama bin Laden

Congress is considering cutting the nearly $1.3 billion in aid to Pakistan if investigations indicate that the country’s government knew the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden and failed to inform the U.S. In addition to being a great way to trim the federal budget deficit, it would probably send a strong message to a country that has actually had the audacity to criticize the U.S. raid on bin Laden. Senator Diane Feinstein, a Democrat from California, has already noted that she wants further details on the matter from the CIA. Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland, also noted that the country would have to show a commitment to fighting terrorism in order to continue to receive aid.

Noted Hoyer, "I don’t know whether it would be effective or counterproductive, we’ll have to look at that. It needs to be looked into." Pakistan apparently has U.S. lawmakers a bit angry and they want to know the answers to two very simple questions. Namely – what did Pakistani intelligence agents know about bin Laden’s whereabouts, and when? Noted Senator Susan Collins, R-Maine, "I think this tells us once again that, unfortunately, Pakistan at times is playing a double game.

Senator Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, stood on the other side of the debate, saying, "For those who want to cut off aid to Pakistan, I understand your frustration. But at the end of the day, if you want to create a failed state in Pakistan, one of the best things to do is sever relationships. It is not in our national security interest to let this one event destroy what is a difficult partnership but a partnership nonetheless." At a guess, if it is determined that Pakistan knew where bin Laden was and didn’t notify the U.S., that argument is not going to hold water.
By Buzzle Staff and Agencies
Published: 5/4/2011

Death of Osama bin Laden Elicits Interesting Tweets from Celebs

The world, and especially America, reacted to the news of the death of Osama bin Laden yesterday, but an interesting glimpse into the world of celebrities saw them offering their two cents as well. Some were somber, others celebratory and still others just downright odd. As always, Twitter served as the official outlet for celebrity commentary. President Obama himself noted in a speech late on Sunday evening that "Justice has been done." Thereafter, just about everyone offered their view.

Tweeted Oprah Winfrey, "Trying to decide what to do about tomorrow’s show with [the president] that was taped last week. War is definitely not over." Winfrey clearly understands that the death of bin Laden, while monumental, certainly does not spell an end of the always-ongoing war on terror. In fact, it is worth noting that al-Qaida in Yemen – far away from bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan - pose the biggest threat internationally. Other celebrities were less contemplative on the matter.

Tweeted Lindsay Lohan, "Go USA!" That seems to be more in line with what we’d expect from those who make their living Tweeting and doing various other things. Paris Hilton, queen of getting paid to do nothing that involves any discernible talent, noted on her Twitter account, " Just landed back in L.A., so happy to hear the news of Osama bin Laden’s death. He was the face of terrorism and such an evil man. The world is a much better place with him not in it." Others commended the president, while Jack Osbourne indicated that without a body he saw no proof. Of course, we all must take the comments of celebrities – especially when they’re talking about things well above their pay grade/intelligence level – with a grain of salt.
By Buzzle Staff and Agencies
Published: 5/3/2011

Official Details of Osama Bin Laden's Death Now Changing

After executing one of the greatest tactical military triumphs in history, U.S. officials seem to be botching the aftermath and the control of information that is being disseminated about the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Initial reports indicated that Bin Laden was armed and that he was engaged in a brief firefight with Navy SEALS before he was shot and killed. Other reports suggested that he used one of his wives as a human shield and that she was killed as well. As it turns out, Bin Laden was unarmed and in an upstairs bedroom with one of his wives when killed. The latest murky version of events has the young wife lunging toward one of the SEALS, who then shot her in the leg. She survived. It's unclear how Bin Laden may have posed a threat to the SEALS, but he was also killed with one shot to the head and two to the chest.

Ultimately, the result here is the same and few outside of Bin Laden's loyal followers are really going to care about the manner in which he was killed. Bin Laden planned and ordered numerous mass murder operations around the globe. That said, it appears that the U.S. was ill-prepared to handle anything beyond actually finding and killing Bin Laden. Since the confirmation of his death, information is flying around wildly, much of it contradictory.

In hindsight, the U.S. should have kept a much tighter lid on the details of the operation. There is no need for the public to know "exactly" what happened. All that must be confirmed is that Bin Laden is dead and that the U.S. military and intelligence agencies took care of business.

Now there are rumors and an air of suspicion that surrounds the incident. Perhaps that was inevitable, but it certainly could have been handled better in terms of how U.S. officials are managing the flow of information. Now the relief and sense of accomplishment for finding and killing Bin Laden are mixed with doubts about exactly what happened. Looking at the situation objectively, it's hard to imagine that there would be any positives from taking Bin Laden alive. And perhaps that's one piece of information that will never see the light of day - that Bin Laden was not leaving that compound alive, no matter what.
By Buzzle Staff and Agencies
Published: 5/4/2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sexuality in Art and Music

In ancient times, and in various cultures, the human body and making love was admired and encouraged and was shown through paintings, sculptures, or ceramics. The genitals would often be publicly shown or would even be considerably exaggerated. The extent of the genitalia was declared a symbol of amorous authority or power in man.

Clearly, sex and eroticism are two different things. Eroticism can just be expressed by a human being. Unlike human beings, animals are incapable of producing sensual behaviors.

Art may be classified in the sexy genre if it gives off a sensual appetite or pleasure. Sensual art can be displayed in paintings, sculptures, literature, songs, etc.

In sensual art we discover not solely bodily enjoyment, like we find in physical sex, yet we additionally detect satisfaction in our other senses and in other manners such as visual, audio, and as well as through our imagination.

When sex is shown through some kind of art it can become not solely the pursuit of physical pleasure but also an adoration of beauty and aesthetics. Erotic literature is a specific genre where the subject matter is entirely linked to sex in general. Very explicit scenes and words can be found that could just about be declared to be adult literature. In the genre of sensual literature we may find short stories, manuals, poems, and novels. Ancient erotic literature is characterized by its union of heavenly and earthly beings.

The Kama Sutra, penned in the fourth century in India, is considered to be the most influential manual of sexuality. It was composed as a religious book, marked to the people, and contained writings of love making techniques and advice.

In today's time, artists who design erotic art are still not, even yet, approved in society as those of other genres are.

In songs, the genre of eroticism, or sex music, has not yet been totally investigated or experimented. Though in other cultures, like in literature, artists have composed music which has embodied spirituality with sexuality.

There are various styles in contemporary music that express sexual and erotic feelings. In electronic and experimental music we can find various sub-genres that can carry an erotic denotation.

Several contemporary styles of sex songs nowadays have rhythms that were originally borrowed from the jungle cultures of Africa. We may now find several mixtures of various music styles from all over the globe which involve the use of ethnic and native instruments. World music is a sure example of the union of art through culture.

Though it has gone through several ups and downs and prohibitions, sex has continually been seen in art since the existence of man and is still a very essential artistic and human form of expression.

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Videotaping Your Magic Practices

The video camera can be quite the valuable ally for a magician. One way that a video camera is invaluable to a magician is that it will allow you to record your magic tricks and put them online for the world to see. Through this means, you can get excellent audience feedback. However, there is another way that you can benefit from having a video camera as well. By taking the time to record your own practice sessions, you will be opening up a new world of opportunities.

It's tough to get a good idea of what you look like when you are performing a task, and magic is no different. Recording yourself practicing magic tricks can be done in stages and in different ways. However, regardless of your approach, you should usually find this technique to be helpful.

Recording Your Tricks Alone

Knowing what the audience will see is very important for a magician. After all, you want to be certain that you are not giving away any secrets. One good way to make sure that your secrets are safe is to videotape the actual performance of your magic tricks. You may want to record your magic trick performances from various angles as well to ensure that you have your act down.

Record Your Tricks as a Whole

There are good reasons to record yourself practicing not just your tricks, but also your persona as well. In fact, you might even want to consider videotaping your persona without doing your tricks, so that you can strictly focus on how you are approaching your audience. Of course, seeing both the trick being performed and your "act" or approach to the audience should yield major rewards. Videotaping your performance will allow you to reflect on what you do and don't like and also to reflect on how you can improve.

Videotape Your Live Performances in Front of Audiences

Videotaping yourself in front of live audiences is the next step of the process. It is one thing to see your performance in a completely controlled and relaxed environment and quite another to see that same performance in front of a crowd. You may find that there are major differences; regardless, you will want to see your magic in action.

Taking the time to evaluate your performance is a step that all performers should periodically do. There is nothing quite like seeing yourself in action to help you learn and improve your act. While you might not always like everything you see, there is little doubt that such information will improve your overall performance.

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ArticlesZoom – Submit Article Here » A Look at The Top Ten Music Downloads

Nowadays there are plenty of sites that allow people to download music online. There you can find Your Favorite Music Artist or favorite songs and get them downloaded accordingly. But the top list differ according to country, music style etc. Different sites state different music downloads as the top ten downloads. Here I would like to mention top ten downloads as per the official chart of BBC.

1) I gotta feeling-The second single by an American hip hop group, Black Eyed Peas. The song was released in May 2009.
2) Sex on Fire – This is from the fourth album “Only by the Night” by Kings of Leon. The song was released in September 5, 2008 and nominated for many famous awards and won the won the award for Best Rock Vocal Performance by a Duo or Group as well. This belongs to the Alternative rock category.
3) Poker Face- This is a very famous Song by Lady Gaga, who is an American pop singer and songwriter. The song was released in September 2008 and it is from the album “The Fame”.
4) Fight for this love – This is a solo single by Cheryl Cole, an English singer. The song was released in October 2009 and it is from her album “3 words”. The song belongs to R&B, , pop, dance categories.
5) Bad Romance- This is also another great song by Lady Gaga. The album that contains this song is “The Fame Monster”. Song was released in October 2009 ad the song has a very nice background story.
6) Love The Way You Lie (feat. Rihanna) – This is from the seventh studio album named,”Recovery” by the American rapper Eminem. The genre of this song is Hip Hop and this was released in August 2010.
7) Just Dance- Mind bowing song from Lady Gaga. The song was written by Lady Gaga, Akon and RedOne. This song is also from the album “The Fame”. And was released in April 2008.
8) Use Somebody – Use somebody is a great song by Kings of Leon. The song was released in December 2008 and it is from the album, “Only by the Night”.
9) Just The Way You Are (Amazing) – This song is from the American artist Bruno Mars. Song belongs to R&B genre and was released in July 2010.
10) Meet Me Halfway –The Black Eyed Peas, an American hip hop group is the proud owners of this song. Song is from the album, The E.N.D. and was released in November 2009.

Visit to download videos of your favorite music artist.

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ArticlesZoom – Submit Article Here » Living with a Sense of Lifestyle

Often times, our concept of style mean no more than fashion. A lot of people find and manifest their sense of style mainly through their clothing, their hair, their nails, basically everything that can be seen in their body, those that are readily noticed. This is probably why a lot of people invest on these things. Everyone has an inherent desire to be, in one way or another, stylish. You’re not exempted from it.

Style is something that you live with, and not merely something you wear. Majority of humankind overlooks the fact that you can actually show and live by your style through things that are more than your shirt brand or your hair do. Here are some examples:

You can show your style through your home. The way you build or decorate your home can actually be an expression of your style. Even before, cultures have somehow showed their way of life through the types of houses that they build—the classic castles of Europe, famous dwellings of India, Vegas’ skyline condominiums and even as simple as the variety of Atlanta apartments. Artists are getting more and more hooked up to making their homes as unique as possible, trying as much as they can to express themselves through their home’s design.

You can show your style through your everyday output. Like writers with their poems, composers with their songs, you can also express yourself through whatever endeavor you are in. No matter what you do for a living, you can find numerous ways to incorporate your sense of your style to your outputs.

All of us are walking billboards of what our style is. The same way that Europe’s castles reflect authority, Vegas’ towers reflect wealth, and Atlanta apartments reflect simplicity, you can also be a materialization of your stylistic senses. What you just have to do is to search and clearly define what this sense is, and find every way possible to express what you defined. Remember that it’s more than what you wear, it’s how you live. Start searching for it, and start building your life style.

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ArticlesZoom – Submit Article Here » Make Yours A First Rate Job With Teng Tools

When anyone attempts a job, maintenance work or possibly a construction project, they really want the result to be the very best that it can possibly be. When the ideal outcome is not attained after much effort has been invested, one can be left feeling negative and hopeless. This would be an awful shame, and in some cases where such things happen, the blame does not lie with the workman for not working correctly. Often, most of the hard work dedicated to a project can be perfectly executed and the result may still be far from perfect. What’s the reason behind this? This could commonly occur because of tools being used which are simply unsuitable to do the job in hand or they may be of a low quality. This may be a horrendous shame if the only thing stopping the required result being achieved with a job would simply be the type of tool used. So what is the solution to ensure that the tool you select is suitable for the job in hand and is of a sufficient quality to finish a job to a high standard? This can be attained through using Teng tools.

Some of the best quality tools available today are produced and distributed by Teng tools. They offer a variety of over 1800 tools making sure that everybody can find the correct tool they require for the task they need to do. Teng tool currently supply tools to various large organisations within the aviation industry and the automotive engineering industry. Anyone may purchase Teng tool products so as to complete DIY projects to a high standard. Teng tools are so assured of the superior quality of their tools, each and every one purchased includes a lifetime guarantee. The product range of Teng tools in the marketplace is extensive and therefore means that for anybody who must undertake a project, be it car maintenance or a home DIY project, there are Teng tools designed to help one finish the job to the highest quality and standard possible.

The Teng tool name was taken from a Japanese folk hero from the 12th century who had been well known for his power and control. It’s these features which Teng tools try and embody in each and every tool they produce. Teng tools give you the right level of power and control to complete a job to a high standard. With the help of customer feedback Teng tools seek to be continually improving the tools that they make.

With Teng tools, it is no longer necessary to feel unhappy with a finished result or feel hopeless when a DIY project has not matched up to original goals. With this brand of tool, you are able to come away from any project or job with pride and the result that was desired and expected of a job being done with Teng tools.

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ArticlesZoom – Submit Article Here » Internet Advancement Makes Way for SEO Companies

Many people say we are now past the computer generation and we are now advancing to the “net generation”. This means we are not only accustomed to using computers, but we are now dependent on more advanced technologies such as the internet or the web.

The internet and the World Wide Web are usually used interchangeably but they really have different meanings. The internet is the global network connecting millions of computers around the world while the World Wide Web is the way of accessing information over the medium of the Internet. Though these two terms have different meanings, they still remain regarded as one in terms of source of information. And as people become slowly dependent on information that they get from the web, it is not surprising now why many businesses start working n their online presence. This is where search engine marketing goes into place.

Search engine marketing, or SEM is a form of internet marketing that seeks to promote websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages through the use of search engine optimization, paid placement, contextual advertising, and paid inclusion. With these strategies, many business owners consider search engine optimization as the most cost effective one. This may also sound true so long as you are able to do the techniques in the right manner and in accordance with search engines’ indexing rules.

Sad to say, not so many business owners are aware on how search engines work. Without proper training and sufficient knowledge on how to do the work, their time, money and effort may just go into waste. In this case, they may find choosing an SEO company to work for them as one good option. Not only that they can make sure everything about SEO will be surely taken care of, but they also will have more time to focus on other business needs.

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5 Helpful Internet Marketing Strategies

Internet marketing has taken the marketing world by storm. Just about every corner of the Web is saturated with advice about how to increase your business's exposure, or build your opt-in list, or achieve that coveted high search engine ranking. With so many approaches to Internet marketing available, it helps to begin with a solid Internet marketing plan. This plan will serve as the foundation for internet marketing strategies with the potential to meet your specified goals and targets. That said, here are five Internet marketing strategies that are sure to help cover all the essentials. Remember: Value over Hype Most veteran Internet Marketing gurus will say that the key to any successful Online Marketing campaign is killer content - web copy that pops and sizzles and dazzles the reader. The truth is that customers these days may not be so impressed with marketing jargon and “gobbldygook” language hyping one's product or service as the best thing since sliced bread. Customers do appreciate, however, and for obvious reasons, value-adding content – content that offers coupons, discounts or giveaways such as free e-books. Give to Gain This introduces the give-to-gain concept. This concept follows the premise that customers are more likely to voluntarily subscribe to your marketing efforts when there is something of interest involved for them. A free e-book is only the beginning for such a strategy. Charity marketing, for instance, puts an interesting twist on the give to gain concept. Successful charity marketing happens when a business aligns itself with a charity in order to increase exposure and build a reputation for contributing to society in a meaningful way – and gets more customers because of it. Affiliate Marketing Business affiliation with charities is just one way that a business can use its own network to create profitable buzz. Affiliate marketing is now well-known for its ability to draw in new customers while benefiting current ones. Here, rewards for voluntary business affiliates using their own marketing efforts help get businesses in good with relatives, co-workers , friends of friends, and the general public. By capitalizing on the affiliate's own personal network, business's thrive off of the classic word-of-mouth vouching that still dominates the business and marketing universe today. Search Engine Optimization Speaking of dominating the business and marketing universe, a word must definitely said about search engine optimization, also known as SEO. Successful SEO increases traffic and subsequent sales by following webmaster guidelines to achieve the highest rankings possible on search engine results pages. SEO is a form of search engine marketing which also includes pay per click advertising and contextual advertising, like the work of Google Adsense. A ton of Boston SEO services are available to assist with this increasingly important Internet marketing strategy. Do Your Homework Indeed, the number of businesses offering Internet marketing services in any given area is staggering. Even more overwhelming is the amount of information and advice on the Internet, but not every Internet marketing strategy will work or makes sense. It helps to do thorough research with the goals of your marketing plan as well as the particulars of your target demographic in mind. Viral video may be too much too soon, for instance, for a smallArticle Submission, local business with limited resources. A balanced and refined plan based on thorough research is always the best strategy.

Article Tags: Internet Marketing Strategies, Internet Marketing, Marketing Strategies, Search Engine

Source: Free Articles from

How to track an IP address?

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Imagine this scenario, you log on to your mail box on a late Sunday morning and find an email from an unknown person with abusive language in it. Reading such a thing on a lazy Sunday morning would certainly ruin your entire day. Now what would you do? Delete it? Agree a solution, but what if the sender decides to send more of such emails? Mark the email address as spam? Yes will work, but it won’t stop the sender from sending emails through some other email address.

In such a situation the solution I would suggest is to identify the sender, it is for sure that such emails do come from someone you know, so it would be better if you know the sender and the take up the matter with him directly. Wondering how would you do it? Read on, I shall explain the method below.

Now I am sure many of you have heard about IP address. For the ones who haven’t, here comes the ice breaker “IP address or Internet Protocol address is a unique set of digits to identify any computer connected to the internet”. Now since every computer has an IP address, it goes without saying that even the email sender would have one. And using his IP address we are going to track him down.

So where do we begin? The first thing to look at is the email itself. Every email sent has something called an email header which carries important information like sender’s IP etc. We shall use this header to find the sender’s IP. So I shall explain the procedure for gmail since it is the most popular email provider right now, you need to follow a similar procedure for other email providers.

Follow these steps:

  • Log into your gmail account.
  • Open the email.
  • Click on the inverted triangle beside Reply. Select Show Original.
  • Look out for the following line: Received-SPF: pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;
  • The IP that you see here, i.e. is the sender’s IP.
  • Follow similar steps for Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail etc.

Now that we have the senders IP address, I am going to share a website which will show you the location of an IP address, the website is,

Just enter the IP address in the box and click Search, the location of the sender will be presented to you on a map. Apart from the location the website will let you know the Hostname, City, State, Country and even the Internet Service Provider.

That’s it! As simple as that, hope this article will be of some use to you. Thanks for reading.

Source: Free Articles from

A Review About Apple MacBook Pro Series MC374LL/A (Z0J7Q) Laptop

I really could state this exact laptop that we have been reviewing can be a nominee for the most powerful 2010 laptops. Regardless that there are possible rivals, MacBook Pro MC374LL/A (Z0J7Q) even now amazes everyone with its attractive pattern along with the rest. The laptop does not weigh a lot when compared to additional laptops in its class, we can say it's instead light-weight. Together with extended hours of energy life, it will be possible to work with this laptop as you like all day long.

Since Apple announced MacBook Pro MC374LL/A (Z0J7Q) we had been looking ahead to this specific moment and now it is there, lastly we could set our own hands on brand-new Apple MacBook Pro laptop. New MacBook Pro MC374LL/A (Z0J7Q) laptop by Apple keeps on impress almost everyone using its remarkable style and design, superior efficiency as well as impressive flexibility. It's very fascinating to obtain this technology mainly because Apple used a lot of new systems on this specific laptop. I am convinced that most people is going to enjoy this laptop since it is awesome overall aspect.

The touch pad typically is responsive that has almost no delay. The touchpad is definitely a slick one having some support for multitouch actions. They've shallow feedback in addition to require average pressing to activate that is definitely actually more comfortable. The touch pad keys are simple to push when using the side of your thumb and give off a little click while pushed. The keys of Apple MacBook Pro MC374LL/A (Z0J7Q) laptop is an chiclet-style version, the keys feel totally stable to the fingertips. Personally I do not prefer island-style keyboards, nevertheless I have to say that they look very sleek. If you'd prefer the look and feel of the island-style keyboards, you will be impressed when using the MacBook Pro MC374LL/A (Z0J7Q).

Audio system used on MC374LL/A (Z0J7Q) laptop are somewhat weak, nonetheless they're nice for one laptop. The graphics processor chip utilized on this laptop permits you to work more like lighter video games -I indicate it might not work with the newest games- without having complications. The cpu used on Apple MacBook Pro MC374LL/A (Z0J7Q) laptop is one of the best between modern cpus. Because of the latest new technology utilized on this cpu you're able to run multi-tasks easily, of course because of the great aid of RAM which supplies torque to this monster laptop.

We wouldn't say the higher pixel density (the number of pixels for every millimeter of monitor) causes it to be especially challenging to use, it has an excellent resolution meant for this particular dimensions of display screen. That's a step above equally costed laptops. Even improved is the caliber of the actual screen itself. First-class details within films and images are usually brought out perfectly, a fact further increased by the sharpness of the resolution using a somewhat minor screen and also the strong blacks. Horizontal watching angles are definitely somewhat inadequate by regular standards, yet they're more than made with regard to by the wonderful colour production and also contrast produced.

Thermal performance of this Apple MacBook Pro MC374LL/A (Z0J7Q) is a little below regular whenever under tension. The model fan, whilst effective under various situations
Free Reprint Articles, appeared to stream less air than needed to maintain the laptop cool under quite heavy needs.

Article Tags: 374ll/a 0j7q

Source: Free Articles from

Software To Help You Successfully Manage Your Fleet

Fortunately, there's help out there for you, by means of fleet maintenance management software. This software program is designed particularly to help you keep an eye on your vehicles and the requirements. You don't need to make your own charts and schedules - the software can keep track of them for you, and even notify you when it's time for a vehicle to get a tune up!

If the company has a fleet of vehicles, then you probably realize that the time involved in keeping them all maintained can be substantial without computerized maintenance management software. And as much as we'd all enjoy being in a position to remember when everything must be carried out, we're all human - we sometimes need some extra help in remembering these things.

This is where fleet maintenance management software will come in. With this particular software, you input each of the vehicles in your fleet, fill in information about them, and the software can help you out by notifying you when it is time for an oil change, a safety check, or any other kind of tune up. Help keep your fleet healthy and safe with software.

Are you a business that provides tours in vehicles such as trams or buses? Have you got a group of business vehicles which you frequently use to transport things around? Or maybe you have a collection of company cars that your employees can use? If so, then it is very important that you be sure you have them well maintained. Not only will unmaintained vehicles reflect poorly on your company, they can also be dangerous to use.

But fleet maintenance management software will help you out immensely! All you need to do is keep your information in the software and you'll be alerted whenever a vehicle needs maintenance. Save time, money, and even potentially lives - don't risk forgetting about a tune up!

A lot of companies have fleets of vehicles they normally use for a plethora of purposes. Whenever your fleet is small, maintenance isn't such a big problem - with only a few vehicles, it is fairly easy to keep track of when each vehicle requires work.

However, for those who have a larger fleet, this grows more difficult. Keeping your own charts can be tiresome in both the creating and updating stages. This is exactly why you should consider investing in fleet maintenance management software. This software helps you manage your fleet of vehicles, keep their information organized and up to dateFree Articles, and even notify you when it's time to take it in to the shop for a check up.

Source: Free Articles from

Dynamics GP Translation to Foreign Language

Earlier versions were available in some of the European languages, such as German, Polish, Russian. There is Arabic version. If you are thinking about implementing Great Plains for your overseas subsidiary, we assume that you do understand what Corporate ERP localization is and that it includes not only language support, but also compliance to local country tax code and government regulation. If you are now confident that all you need to do is translate several screens and reports to enable limited foreign data entry and print outs, here are some details below:

1. Dexterity limitations. This is architecture and it is very difficult to break through its restrictions. It is restricted to ASCII compliant international alphabets only. Alphabets, where Unicode is required, typically the ones with hieroglyphs: Chinese, Japanese, Korean are not supported in Dexterity. There are limited options – NJ Star (allowing you entering Chinese symbols and save them in parallel tables), more details below. You might be surprise to find out that such alphabets as Arabic, Persian, Dari are ASCII compliant (they are all based on Arabic characters and the number of characters is limited and one byte of ASCII standard is sufficient to handle all of them)

2. SQL Server company database collation. When you have your database installed for your foreign branch, be sure that you change SQL collation to support foreign alphabet. Also the easiest way to enable saving characters with collation in Great Plains user interface is install Windows Vista or Windows 7 user workstation in foreign country version (for example Brazilian Portuguese or Russian)

3. Chinese version shortcut. There are several utilities available, which intercept Dexterity form popup on your computer screen and replace all the String resources into Chinese. Then you can combine such add-ons with NJ Star to enable characters entry and saving. You can always consider adding reports, designed in Crystal, where all the alphabets are supported (to produce nice SOP Invoice form in Chinese)

4. OK, what if my language doesn’t have existing translation? Then, you can consider translating String resource in GP on your own. We will describe two methods: Modifier and Dexterity

5. Modifier. This method we consider as very elegant, where you do not really do such bug prone things as Dexterity custom programming, you are just translating String resources in Modifier (however it requires Modifier license for translation and Customization Site Enabler on each user to open translated Strings). How does it work? Open Dynamics GP -> Tools -> Customize -> Modifier. Here in Modifier, in menu Resources pick Strings. Now find the String that needs to be translated and simply change its Description (be sure to select Series, for example Sales). If you would like Customer Name fields in SOP Transaction form to be shown in your local language, change series to Sales, find Customer Name String resource and change it here to your local equivalent. Dexterity will show it in your local language if your native Windows 7 is installed in local country version

6. Dexterity String translation. We saw two flavors of Arabic translation, one, the older was done in Dexterity with some localization programming and the second was newer one done in Modifier. Methodic is the same – translate String resources in Dex (try to keep the number of characters in your local translation the same or smaller, comparing to original String in English, as Dexterity seems to be packing the dictionary – you do it in Dynamics.dic file). In Dexterity there might be situations where you can disrupt its business logic and introduce annoying software bugs

7. Translation feasibility or flea check. It only makes sense, where you have very limited operations in the foreign country and you do not expose your subsidiary to local financial audit, VAT, GST or Sales Tax audit. If your subsidiary is exposed to local regulations, we recommend you to check with your local CPA, who is familiar with national and international GAAP. In some situations in smaller countries the regulation doesn’t deviate from international GAAP, as government is committed to attract foreign investment. In the case of larger countries, such as Russia, China, India, Germany, France, Brazil this rule doesn’t work, as such countries typically have rich flavor of local legislation which deviates from international GAAP. Historically our company pioneered with localizing Great Plains in such countries as Brazil (we were approached by Microsoft to do this job, however later on MBS decided to favor Navision over GP and even more later Axapta) and Russia (where we had localized version 4.0, available in Moscow for Corporate ERP market in Russian Federation; with acquisition of Navision Software Microsoft pulled GP out of the Russian market)

8. What to do if we have GP as Corporate ERP in USA Headquarters and would like to find localized overseas ERP for our Russian, Chinese, Brazilian subsidiary? Well, the answer depends on the budget and functionality scope. If you are Microsoft shop and have large manufacturing or distribution facility overseas, take a look ad Dynamics AX (formerly known as Axapta). If you have small operations, we recommend you to look at the competition, for example SAP Business One is localized for the majority of foreign countries and regions and it is available in such languages as Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese (it is not available in Arabic by understandable reasons). In some cases you can see strong dominance of local accounting packages, such as 1S Bukhgalteria in Russian Federation and to some extent Microsiga in Brazil. In Brazil SAP Business One expansion and success seems to be more encouraging comparing to Russia

9. New markets with strong international funding. Here we are talking about such countries as Afghanistan, potentially in the future Iran, former Soviet Central Asia: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan with oil and gas natural resources. Local languages: Dari, Farsi, Uzbek, Kazakh are based on Arabic, Russian or Latin alphabet, and Dynamics GP could be recommended for screen translation via Modifier method. Plus, we believe, even if it might be difficult to lure out consultants to travel onsite, modern Web Session technologies, such as Gotomeeting, Web Ex, Skype could change the attitude of the Great Plains consulting community to switch into competing for these foreign market mode

10. Some observations about international implementation of Microsoft CRM. We recommend it for all your international subsidiaries, this is the only CRM solution from Microsoft and it is translated and supported Worldwide

11. Please call us 1-866-304-3265, 1-269-605-4904. We have local presence in Chicagoland, Southern California, West Michigan, Houston and Dallas areas of Texas. We serve customers USA, Canada, Mexico nationwide and internationally via web sessions and phone conferences (Skype is welcomed). Our consultants speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese

Article Tags: Great Plains, String Resources, Such Countries

Source: Free Articles from

Tables in Dynamics GP: Where to Find, Categories, Linking in Reports and SQL Queries

Then we would like to discuss name convention and give you several examples. And finally we would like to review linking strategies in Reports and SQL queries. Before we go – we would like to mention that GP is one of Corporate ERP applications, where you can do direct data repair in SQL statements, so be careful if this is your assignment. Other modern ERP, such as SAP Business One or Dynamics AX Axapta do not allow you to update or inserts directly in SQL. We recommend you to back up the table, which you plan to repair via Select Into statement, as the whole company database backup might be too heavy procedure. Let’s begin:
1. Where to find. In new version, such as 2010, 10.0, 9.0 in menu Dynamics GP -> Tools -> Resource Description -> Tables, here keep product GP, switch required series (by default it picks Financial) then decide on sorting and find the table in the right pane. There is such concept as Table Group, good example would be Customer Master, where tables associated with customer master records are combined: customer master (RM00101), address master (RM00102), summary (RM00103), etc. Technically every module, which is coded in Dexterity and listed in Dynamics.set file could be reviewed on the matter of its table structure (in this case, simply pick the module on the upper left corner). Please note that structure is generated on demand and stored in Ctree table, usually located in Data subfolder, exactly in the same one, where such important file as Dex.ini is located
2. Naming Convention. It is alphanumeric. Alpha part is reasonably simple, as it is always in prefix and it resembles module name in its abbreviation, for example GL stays for General Ledger, SOP for Sales Order Processing, INV for Inventory module, etc. Numeric part is more complex, but it also has a pattern. First of all – tables are categorized as Master (those have 0 as the first digit next to alpha prefix), Work Transaction have 1 next to alpha, Posted Document have 2 respectively, then Historical Transactions have 3; Module Setup tables have 4. Let’s look at examples. SOP10100 table is Sales Order Processing Work Document Header and when document is posted it goes into SOP10200 SOP Document Header Historical file. GL00100 is Account Master, GL20000 is General Ledger Posted Transaction file, and when you close Financial Year all these records are moved to GL30000 GL Historical Entries
3. Linking in Reporting. We recommend you to look at tables groups. You begin linking from your Open, Historical or Work document header, then you link Lines document in the same aging category, and finally you link to the master record (typically customer RM00101, vendor PM00200, employee UPR00100, inventory item IV00101). If you are building challenging Crystal Report or the one in SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services), we recommend you to base it on SQL Stored Procedure (the most powerful, as here you can create temporary tables to store staging queries and unionize temp tables, deploy SQL transactions, etc.), or SQL View (where you only use Select and Union). We often hear the stories, when report created in Crystal Report Wizard produces duplicate records and does other annoying things. When you separate data pulling from report design, initial quality assurance could be done directly in SQL query, prior to freezing it in the Report itself (where redesign incurs additional consulting hours and customer concerns about your experience)
4. SQL Querying and Data Repair. This is typically high pilotage and it you think about something like data repair in Corporate ERP application, first consider consultant to do the job. If you consider yourself as Great Plains consultant in learning curve, be sure to stick to safety rule. First one – always make table backup, where we recommend you to do it via Select Into Statement. Let’s assume that you would like to do customer master table fix. Issue the following statement in MS SQL Server Management Studio against company database: Select * Into RM00101_2 from RM00101. Then, if you screw up customer master table, have all the users log off this company, drop DEX_ROW_ID column from your RM00101_2 table, delete all the records from RM00101 and use the following statement to repopulate it: Insert into RM00101 select * from RM00101_2. Good practice also suggests you create production company backup, create test company in GP Utilities and reload its data from production company backup. Then try your data repair on the copy, not production database
5. If you are on old Great Plains version. In this case table structure info is available in user interface; simply follow Tools -> Resource Description -> Tables. If you need to create Crystal report for Pervasive SQL 2000 or Ctree database, you need to install respective ODBC driver (Pervasive SQL 2000/Btrieve requires DDF files, they could be generated – see your version user manuals). Old versions, no longer supported by MBS on Pervasive were 7.5, 7.0, 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, 4.0, 3.2. Natural tool for data repair on Btrieve/Pervasive or Ctree is Microsoft Access, where you are using ODBC DSN linked table constructions
6. Great Plains Accounting for DOS, Windows or Mac table structure. Please, note, that this is not the same platform as Great Plains Dynamics. GPA was its predecessor, but if fact it is Btrieve hosted application, where table names are self-explanatory. You will need DDF files to connect to GPA database, there are instructions to create them in ODBC related manuals for GPA. Supporting old GPA customers we found that it is difficult to create ODBC connection via phone conference (we serve USA nationwide), the better idea is to upload your GPS folder to our ftp and then we will extract or repair your tables
7. Please call us 1-866-304-3265, 1-269-605-4904. We have local presence in Chicagoland, Southern California, West Michigan, Houston and Dallas areas of Texas. We serve customers USA, Canada, Mexico nationwide and internationally via web sessions and phone conferences (Skype is welcomed). Our consultants speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, RussianFree Articles, Chinese.
Source: Free Articles from

Affiliate Genie Review

If you want to get out of the herd of sheep using Wordpress to build websites, then Affiliate Genie is just what you require. With this software, one can create a site which is similar to a wordpress site, but without the requirement of a database. Moreover, it is much simpler and easier to work with this Genie software than Wordpress. Novices, intermediates or veterans, everyone will find it to fit the bill. So, let's begin reviewing the below Affiliate Genie review and make a note of the important points.

Affiliate Genie Website Builder Review

The very first feature which gets a thumbs up to the Affiliate Genie review is its ease to upload and complete freedom to creativity. The website builder is built for relevance and once you login, you are provided with an interface. On this interface you can add new contents, create new pages and add any scripts and much more. Also, you are allowed to add sites which would ping once you make a new post. While you are reading this review, you can go through some great facts on
Internet affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Genie review also says that it is able to create a site map for your website, along with RSS feed. Plus, the whole process runs under a completely strong and automatic SEO on-site optimization for the best results. With this Genie you can create fast and automatic buyer content. So your visitors can create contents for you. Also, there is no leash with installs and you can build as many sites as you wish to.

One of reasons for positive Affiliate Genie reviews is the feature which allows visitors to leave comments and rate your products. This would allow multiplication of your affiliate sales. Comments and ratings can also be turned off/on with ease. The builder also has the capability to create unlimited product reviews for you. If you have had given any limits to create PPC landing pages in other website builder, then you might just miss that when you are using the Affiliate Genie. Here, you have an unlimited scope for the same and also for email-driven content. Also find out what makes a good website?

The ratings which I mentioned above, are also calculated by the Genie to display the average. If you want to save time in adding images and videos of your products, then consider using this amazing website builder, which does it for you in no time. For advanced users, they can add in their own HTML codes for websites. Here the sites are brought under creation with short URL page links. And they are SEO (Search Engine Optimizatio) friendly too.

While you are using the Affiliate Genie, you will also be notified about the ping services for you. And the notifications are unlimited. Whatever your preferences are, the Genie allows you to customize everything according to your choice. One of the most important aspects to be mentioned in the Affiliate Genie Reviews is about how secure the user is. Well, the security and anti-spam measure built into it is of cutting edge technology. Want some smart tips on how to advertise a website, then refer the same link.

Unlike others, here you wouldn't have to face the mess of customizing the site's color scheme and logo. Much simpler is to add, remove, edit and manage content. Again on the easier side, you would love to modify, edit categories, page names, etc. apart from re-ordering them. If you suppose that the process of adding scripts like Google Analytics is a difficult task, them better negate your opinion by trying the Affiliate Genie.

Beyond easy is working with modifications and custom alterations with this software and so is with creating categories, pages for reviewing products and articles. Another great stuff about working with Affiliate genie is that here you can create even those pages, which cannot be accessed from regular, visible websites. If you are dubious about website design and wondering about how to make my own website, then these links are for you.

Although any one can reap a great deal of benefits by using this website builder, marketers are the ones who have the maximum advantage. This is due to the fact that the Affiliate Genie is designed and built for performance and with its aid, marketers can rapidly build websites for the purpose of selling their products. To conclude this Affiliate Genie review in a few lines, the software has been developed to get things done easily and in a short span of time, unlike other site-builders. Time is money and with this aspect in mind, this Genie has been created to grant your wishes at the blink of an eye.
By Rajib Singha
Published: 6/28/2010

Affiliate Programs that Pay

With the advent of the Internet there has been tremendous increase in the scope for earning money on the Internet. With Internet becoming an integral part of life, there are different home based business opportunities that give chance to increase earning through various sources.

Affiliate programs that pay, help you to increase your chances of income by creating income opportunities through home based affiliate business. Besides your regular income, you can earn money on the Internet by wisely choosing various Internet affiliate marketing programs that have become a reality in today's world. The matter of fact is that there are millions of affiliate programs that pay on the Internet. Besides that, there are various affiliate programs that pay you even offline.

In the past few years, the craze among people to supplement their regular income and create multiple sources of income has increased by leaps and bounds. Some of the most popular ways have been stock market, real estate and the Internet. One can choose from either of these ways. However, here I'll discuss how to make money on the Internet, using another Internet marketing tool, that is affiliate programs.

Search for Proper Affiliate Programs That Pay
In the vast cyber world, finding adequate affiliate programs is definitely a challenging task. Choosing right affiliate marketing programs can make a world of difference in your earning prospects. Various affiliate programs that pay, promise you to make quick money however, they may not be authentic and you may end up cribbing about them being Internet scams. Generally, trail and error method is the most adequate way to find a suitable Internet affiliate marketing program. The drawback of this method that you've to spend lots of money. By the help of your credit card, special reports, ebooks, and membership sites, one pays a lot of money. However, in trial and error method, you're not sure if you'll succeed in this business or not. Nevertheless, with right sets of affiliate programs that pay, you can avoid losing your hard earned money.

There are various legitimate affiliate programs that pay and you have to find out about such programs on the Internet. Contact friends and inquire with people whom you trust about such legitimate programs. In case, they've been into this business, they'll give you proper guidance.

Once you're aware of proper affiliate programs that pay, you'll be easily provided suitable training and methods for making money online. Conducting a proper research on the legitimacy of the program you've chosen and knowing about their commission, membership charges and steps to gain their membership will help you to understand if it's an adequate program for you.

Once you've found your source for multiple income, you don't have to sit back and rest. You've to make efforts to market your affiliate program on your own website as well as promote it individually. This will help you to register more members and garner more income.

It makes more sense to be aware of basics of multi level marketing (MLM) strategies, as then you're aware of fundamentals of network marketing. For advertising your affiliate program, you can use Google AdSense. If your program is like various affiliate programs that pay per click, then you can earn very good income.

All you've to do is to get registered on Google AdSense and start advertising your affiliate program on various related websites. Some affiliate programs that pay daily or monthly can be on ecommerce websites or article marketing websites, where you're paid later, as per traffic visiting on the website or the sales of product per day.

Most of the time, affiliate income and transactions are done through paypal. Affiliate programs that pay with paypal are reliable and are safe mode of transactions. So in essence, once you have get affiliate programs that pay you well, you can build your business and earn decent income.
By Kundan Pandey
Published: 6/29/2010

Affiliate Programs that Work

Since the last few years, there has been an exponential increase in the number of people opting for various home based business opportunities that promise them to earn decent income. Certainly, with Internet becoming a part and parcel of life, earning opportunities have also increased. Any idea that has the potential to make decent income on the Internet is appreciated and people are trying to establish their own independent businesses to satisfy their urge for an entrepreneurial pursuit. Nevertheless, with millions of home based affiliate business websites on the Internet, customers are left with no choice but to get confused and spend lots of money in finding out adequate programs. Not surprising, hundreds of Internet scams hit the media news very often. With lots of affiliate programs that work, one wonders which program is the most adequate one? Here, I'll inform you about affiliate programs that work.

How do Affiliate Programs Work?
Before you become aware of various affiliate programs that work, you must be aware of how affiliate programs work? The bottom line of affiliate programs that work is that you send people to a website, they buy something, or sign up for something and eventually you're paid a commission.

Affiliate programs, in essence, are typical Internet affiliate marketing strategies that help you to earn income through multiple sources.

In affiliate marketing programs, revenue sharing is done through firms selling products and services. In case, you're the website owner, you're paid for sending customers to the company website and earning money.

For instance, let us consider an example of the affiliate marketing giant, Amazon. By the year 2004, Amazon had attracted nearly 900,000 affiliate webmasters that direct various customers to Amazon's website.

The webmasters affiliate programs have become extremely popular on the Internet. Through the pay per sale or pay per lead tricks, you as a website owner are paid commissions.

After understanding and becoming aware about various terms and conditions of affiliate marketing program that vary for every firm, you place a link from your website or newsletter or template to the marketer. When a visitor clicks on the link and buys a product or service form the business, you earn a commission. This easy to understand (though complex in designing when it comes to generating web traffic) affiliate programs that work have become a marketing idea that everyone tries on the Internet.

Affiliate Programs That Pay
What are some of the affiliate programs that pay? Well, to know about such programs, you have to firstly understand what to set up as theme for your website. As per sources, you must firstly set a website on something that is most searched on the Internet.

There are hosts of popular topics that people looking for, on the Internet like e – books, pricing strategies, article writing, search engines, online marketing fundamentals etc. The idea is to specialize in a certain topic.

As a website, you must make it as an objective to be the most knowledgeable website even in your small domain and range of niche. This is important because, once people are aware that your website is really helpful, they'll recommend it to other users.

Nevertheless, searching various directories on the Internet will help you to understand if there is sufficient growth for affiliate programs that pay on your chosen niche or topic. Using simple principles of multi level marketing (MLM) and working on your website, you can certainly earn good income through your chosen affiliate programs that work.
By Kundan Pandey
Published: 6/29/2010

Affiliate Marketing Newbies Guide

Let me start with something that an affiliate marketing newbies guide should start with; the affiliate marketing definition. We will then move to understanding the intricacies of affiliate marketing followed by some tips for affiliate marketing newbies. So, if you are looking forward to making a mark in the affiliate marketing industry, keep reading.

Affiliate Marketing - An Introduction

What is affiliate marketing? Well, a marketing practice wherein business revenue is shared between the business and its affiliates is known as affiliate marketing. An affiliate serves as an agent who works towards bringing opportunities of revenue generation for a business and gets paid for his efforts. Affiliate marketing is a system in which a seller or merchant, in correspondence with his affiliate, also called publisher, generates business, and rewards the affiliate for his help. An affiliate plays a major role in attracting customers towards the business, for which he receives compensation from the seller. The business merchant, the publisher (the affiliate), the customer and the affiliate network are the core players in the affiliate marketing industry.

A little bit about the affiliate network; it is an intermediary between affiliates and affiliate programs. This network serves as a platform over which websites offering affiliate marketing programs access the customer base. It also helps websites, to easily participate in affiliate programs.

Affiliate Marketing Beginner's Guide

Affiliate marketing newbies should know that this marketing practice can be considered as a form of online marketing where the 'affiliate logic' is used to direct web traffic from one website to another. Affiliate marketing programs often make use of Internet marketing methods like pay-per-click, pay-per-lead, paid SEM and email marketing. There are thousands of websites that are ready to pay a commission to affiliates based on their efforts towards promoting business of the website's products and services. With continuous growth in this field, there is an increase in people turning towards affiliate marketing. Many have begun looking at affiliate marketing as a lucrative option for making money online.

If you are one of those affiliate marketing newbies, remember, affiliate marketing is about sharing of revenue between a business and you. Isn't that interesting? Imagine, you are actually sharing business revenue; you are earning a share of the revenue generated by a flourishing business; flourishing because of your efforts. Imagine, you are actually directing customers to a business; you are enhancing its customer base and getting paid in return.

What's the exact role of an affiliate? That's you, the affiliate. Simply put, if you are an affiliate, you act as a middleman (or woman) between a business and its customers. It's usually something like, you own a website, you use it to send customers to a company and you are rewarded for it. All you do is place a link that directs users to a company product or service, from your website. Users who click on this weblink are directed to the business product or service. If they avail the company service or buy their product, you earn! And that's because you were the one who caused the user to visit the company website, who was then attracted to buy their product or service. In short, you, as an affiliate, played that important role of bringing customers for a business and now you are eligible to earn your well-deserved share of revenue. And the good news for affiliate marketing newbies is that all you need, to be in this field is a computer with an Internet connection. And yes, you should be ready to work hard and wait to reap the fruit of your effort.

This is an affiliate marketing newbies guide and I assume you are a beginner to this form of marketing. By now, you know what affiliate marketing is and you also have an idea of affiliate marketing companies and the marketing programs they offer. Internet affiliate marketing, apart from a computer and a broadband connection, needs the marketer to have knowledge of search engine optimization and an understanding of web users. Well then. You have decided to venture into affiliate marketing and make the most of this money-making idea. You are aware of the basic SEO concepts like keywords, niches, hyperlinks, building a website and web traffic. You need to learn affiliate marketing before you actually make it a means to earn money. The following section will help you do that and also equip you with some affiliate marketing tips.

How to do Affiliate Marketing - Newbies Guide

Find a Niche: The first step is to find a profitable niche. Think of something you like; probably something related to your hobby or area of expertise. Then see if the subject you have thought of is popular among web users. Use a keyword tool to analyze the popularity and competition of the subject chosen. Find a trade off between the two and then check for the probability of the search term of fetching advertisements. An easy way to do this is to analyze the Google results for your search term by going through the right hand side section of the results page.

Build the Website: Before actually building the website, you will need to choose a suitable domain name for the same. The domain name is the website address. Select a domain name which goes with the website content, and is short and easy to remember. Even better if it contains the keyword you are targeting, as this will help boost your rankings. Register your domain name with a domain name registrar, which usually involves a fee of about $10 per year. Register with one of the website hosting services and upload your website once you have an hosting account. The process does not end here. After the website is uploaded, it should also get indexed. Once the search engines know about your website, you can work towards increasing your website traffic. One way to get your website indexed is to submit the site URL to search engines. Another commonly used way is to build backlinks to your website. You may also choose to buy an already indexed domain. Uploading your website online marks your presence on the web and getting the website indexed is like being recognized on the Internet.

Promote the Website: In promoting a website, some things have to be taken into consideration. Firstly, your website should be content rich; better if the content is updated frequently on a regular basis. The content on the website should target the right keywords. Blogging can be a good way of attracting visitors to your website. Blog about the product(s) you are advertising; again, use keywords to optimize your content. It's good to learn SEO basics, so that you know which keywords to use and how. Once you have submitted your website to search engines and once they index it, you can employ advertising programs like pay-per-click advertising, Google Adwords and others to place advertisements on your website.

See that the advertisements are well-worded and that they attract the right audience. See what percentage of the add-clicks convert to actual sales of the product you are advertising. Place the ads in such a way that they attract maximum users. Use various website promotion techniques to attract traffic and achieve maximum conversion of visitors to buyers. Yes, that's your objective as an affiliate marketer. Let's come to the last section of this affiliate marketing newbies guide; the section on tips for affiliate marketing newbies.

Affiliate Marketing Tips for Beginners
  • One of the most important affiliate marketing tips is to find the right niche. When searching for a niche, select one that you have enough knowledge about and are interested in. As you would be writing on and promoting a product related to the niche selected, it doesn't make sense to choose something you are unfamiliar with or not interested in.
  • Whichever product you choose to advertise, see that you are convinced with what you are doing. Promote the right kind of product and in the right way. It will help you gain user trust.
  • Learn SEO. It's important to know how to optimize your website content as well as the website design. Optimization is the key to achieve higher rankings, thus increasing the probability of attracting more users.
  • Try different affiliate marketing programs till you find the one that suits you best. Be careful while choosing them. Update your website content on a regular basis. That's another important affiliate marketing tip for beginners. Try to give your readers something new, something useful. Users like variety.
  • Be focused, be innovative and do not be afraid of experimenting. Yes, experimenting with new products and new strategies is important.
  • Be patient; affiliate marketing cannot bring you success overnight. With persistent efforts, you will be able to make a mark in the affiliate marketing industry.
Well then, are you ready to take your first step towards becoming an affiliate marketer? I would suggest, go through this affiliate marketing newbies guide again; revise what we've just discussed and put your best foot forward towards making affiliate marketing a success. If you feel, you need someone to guide you in your endeavor, come back to this newbies guide to affiliate marketing. Come back, any time.
By Manali Oak
Published: 7/13/2010

Google Affiliate X - Google Affiliate X Review

Hi and welcome

If you want an unbiased review then you have come to the right site. Ray Johnson & Robert Black are the entrepreneurs behind this product.

Google Affiliate X is a stand alone, unique, step by step product that after the short testing that I have carried out, works well.

The product consists of the following components


Core Manual

Video Series

Traffic getting Video Series

LIVE Community Training

+ There is a lot more information on top of all these products.

What Ray and Robert have developed is a great piece of software that lets you build these micro-niche sites, in untapped buyer niches using free traffic.

For this test, we set up the first site and it was making money in the first 25 minutes.
This software is really powerful but so super simple to use. It's just unbelievable!!!!

You do have to go through all the videos and manuals so you know how the system works, or at least learn the basics

The tutorial videos are really easy to follow making you relaxed but excited at the same time.

Once you've grasped the basics of the Software, the Core Manual walks you through the methods that Ray & Rob have used to bank an incredible $209,176.23 to date since the creation of the method.

The videos are real step by step tutorials that help you to implement all the required processes and are also extremely detailed.

These are our conclusions of the course.

This system does work but only if you follow the step by step instructions. You will have to do some work but the software does most of the work so you can reap the rewards very quickly. Google Affiliate X will work for anyone and it is certainly possible for you to earn passive income without too much effort.

Google Affiliate X gives you a real method and all the tools to allow you to succeed online.

I was not going to mention this but Ray and Rob are so confident that this system will work for you that if for any reason it does not they will give you a $100 for your trouble. You can not say fairer than that.

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3 Google Affiliate Tips That Can Possibly Help You Earn Thousands of Dollars Per Month Consistently

For those that are still in doubt, dispel the doubts as Google affiliates have been acknowledged without doubt to be amongst the most successful affiliates on the internet today. Many Google affiliates are easily making loads of money but do not understand why they are, especially when you consider that the Google AdSense program has just only blossomed into one of the most successfully programs of recent times. Understanding the secrets and tips of how these affiliates work and ear money would undoubtedly be useful for those who are aspiring to be AdSense affiliates, or even current AdSense affiliate, thus let us look at some of these tips and pointers as shown below:

1) The advertising industry is growing, and Google affiliates are riding on this dramatic and encouraging shift - AdSense and pay per click affiliate programs are without doubt huge, and regardless of what a small number of webmasters think in ridiculing this concept, the results show that Google affiliates are still raking in the cash. The online advertising industry is also all-set to increase in terms of traffic in the near and far future, thus these affiliates are all set to reap even more from this dramatic change in the advertising industry.

Part of the reason why online advertising is much more preferred nowadays is due the fact that incoming traffic into the website can be calculated extremely accurately, and this cannot be replicated on any other media such as the television. Pay per click text ads would undoubtedly witness an increase of revenue in the near future, and this also means higher margins of profits for both a blogger and a webmaster as well. Make use of high-paying, valuable AdSense keywords, and you are all-set to increase your profit margins substantially!

2) The secret of the hook is utilized by these affiliates - Google affiliates understand what portion of an advert or story would interest the viewers best, and utilize this knowledge to attract the maximum number of viewers to the site. Remember that it is all about the audience, and you should do whatever that you can to attract the maximum amount of traffic to your site/ blog. And remember that content is king, thus ensure that you content is filled with the right keywords so that your traffic remains high and your Google affiliate earnings are kept at the maximum level.

3) Google affiliates that are doing well understand the secrets of the blog, and make take full advantage of this knowledge - the use of blogs were initially to link people, but now it is more about advertising than ever before! Not only do blogs generate traffic to a site, they also help to bring a site to the top of the search engine rankings.

Understanding basic search engine optimization (SEO) tips should allow you to keep the best Google affiliate AdSense checks under wraps, and when you have more of these AdSense adverts on your site, your site's ratings would shoot up automatically and before you know it, you would be generating traffic like never before! Google affiliates usually have more than a dozen blogs that are filled with the ideal keywords, and at the same time interesting and relevant content to attract the most viewers.

Earn money online easily when you understand and make use of the above pointers within Google affiliates. All the best!

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5 Google Affiliate Secrets To Help You Earn Thousands Of Dollars Monthly

There is no doubt that Google affiliates rank as some of the most successful affiliates anywhere on the web.

Yet few understand the reason behind this success. Even the majority of Google affiliates who are yet to start making huge five figure checks do not quite understand why the Google Adsense program has flourished so much within such a short time.

Anybody who understands the real secrets behind the phenomenal rise of Google affiliates will be in a much better position to benefit and profit from it, whether or not they are current Adsense affiliates.

1. Google Affiliates Are Riding On The Most Dramatic Shift In The Advertising Industry In History

A few webmasters think that this Adsense and pay per click affiliate mania is a passing fad. All indications are that this is not the case. If anything mounting evidence points to one of the most dramatic and rapid shifts in advertising industry history. You can't beat the deal to advertisers where they pay only for actual traffic to their website and more so when they can easily calculate their conversion rate on that traffic and predict their profit margin on the deal. This arrangement cannot be duplicated on TV or in any other offline media with so much precision and accuracy.

This means that advertising revenue will continue to shift away from other media and will move online at an even more rapid rate than is the case currently. And not just any online mediums like banner ads for example. The revenue will specifically shift to pay per click text ads. If you need some proof just look at the Google numbers in recent months, and most of it is being generated by PPC ad revenue.

What does that mean to a blogger or webmaster? It means huge and increasing profits as the number of advertisers grows and the competition between them for clicks grows fiercer.

It means that any expert in any tiny little niche will find it increasingly easier to make a good regular income from a low traffic targeted site with higher paying, more valuable Adsense keywords.

2. Google Affiliates Recognize That Content Is Not King, It's Everything

Writers, or rather good writers are already enjoying a huge advantage as Google affiliates. Only well written content will attract quality traffic and only interesting engrossing content will keep that traffic coming back again and again. Only high-quality keyword rich content will keep a site high in search engine rankings and thus guarantee enough traffic to keep Google affiliate adsense earnings high.

3. Top Google Affiliates Are All Using The Blog Secret

Blogs were created for linking and everybody knows that links are closely related to traffic in two ways, firstly they generate traffic but more importantly, they help a site achieve high search engine rankings with usually opens the floodgates of traffic. Top Google affiliates are using this secret to keep those big fat Google affiliate Adsense checks arriving by special courier every month.

Most top Google affiliates have dozens of blogs loaded with the right keywords and engaging content. With just a little SEO (search engine optimization) skills, these new breed of high flying online professionals are able to get their sites to the top of search engine rankings. It is then minimal maintenance as they sit back and watch the traffic volumes flow to their blogs already loaded with Adsense ads. The result of all this is that the clicks happening at their sites shoots up and with it their Google affiliate Adsense earnings.

4. Google Affiliates Are Using The Secret of The Hook

In advertising it is called the hook. Journalists call it the angle or slant of the story. Both mean the same thing. It is all about picking up a subject and asking yourself, what aspect of it most interests your audience? If you answer that question accurately then your ad or your article will attract maximum interest.

Online this is becoming more critical by the day. Content that is not slanted to fit the interests and needs of you audience will not attract enough interest and this impacts on the traffic of your blog or site and ultimately on your Google affiliate adsense earnings.

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